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Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker tickets

Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker tickets

Theatre Royal Glasgow, Glasgow

The event is over

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The location for Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker

Theatre Royal Glasgow

282 Hope Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Map of Theatre Royal Glasgow

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3 months ago

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Philomena sold to Gillian

3 months ago

Frequently asked questions

How do I sell Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker tickets?
Selling ticket to Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker on Tixel is safe and easy. Sell your ticket here. If you are selling your ticket privately, you can choose to create a private listing before finalising your listing.
Is buying Scottish Ballet - The Nutcracker tickets on Tixel safe?
Tixel is the safest and easiest place to buy tickets online. The latest anti-fraud tech means you are always protected from scammers and scalpers/touts. Only real tickets for real fans.
What are the costs of using Tixel?
The fees for selling or buying a ticket varies by event and event organiser but we will always outline what you will be charged before you confirm your listing or ticket purchase.

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