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About Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins is an English evolutionary biologist, ethologist, and writer, most widely known for his books on evolutionary thought, including The Selfish Gene, The Blind Watchmaker, and The God Delusion. He has written over 30 books and edited many more in his lifetime. Dawkins is a vocal atheist and humanist, actively rejecting the concept of a supernatural power. His works discuss scientific topics such as evolutionary literature, philosophy, and religion. He also contributes to a number of television programs and lectures on evolutionary biology and other scientific topics. Dawkins is also a prominent supporter of the Brights Movement, a group that promotes naturalistic worldviews. He has made many notable appearances in television including The Colbert Report, Real Time with Bill Maher, and QI. He is an emeritus fellow of New College, Oxford and was a professor for public understanding of science at the University of Oxford from 1995 to 2008.

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