
Sell your Kaboodle tickets with Tixel

Tixel is the safe way to resell tickets for any event you can't attend. Sell to millions of genuine fans on our secure marketplace.

Reach millions of fans and sell tickets at their fair value

When you sell Kaboodle tickets via Tixel you are selling to millions of genuine fans at a fair price

Tixel is a trusted platform for safely selling Kaboodle tickets at fair prices.

List your Kaboodle tickets for resale directly from your Kaboodle account.

Advanced protection against scammers and time-wasters with Tixel's secure marketplace.

Tickets are held until payment is received, thanks to our modern anti-fraud technology.

No hassle, just easy ticket resale with Tixel for any Kaboodle event.

Sell all types of Kaboodle tickets: music, sports, arts, festivals, conferences, and more.

Tixel is the best way to sell Kaboodle tickets to genuine buyers at a fair price.

Tixel is the best way to sell Kaboodle tickets to genuine buyers at a fair price. Trusted by event lovers around the world, Tixel has helped hundreds of thousands of people change their plans — without getting short-changed.

Tixel is a safe ticket marketplace to trade tickets from Kaboodle. Tixel is compatible with Kaboodle, allowing you to list tickets for any Kaboodle event. It's as simple as that.

To resell an Kaboodle ticket, simply login to your account and select which tickets you wish to list for sale. If you've forgotten your account details, never fear — we also accept official email and PDF tickets from Kaboodle.

Unlike auction and classifieds websites, Tixel’s ticket resale offers advanced protection to both sellers and buyers — protecting fans from scammers and time-wasters. We use modern, anti-fraud technology and hang on to tickets until payment is received.

It’s ticket resale without the hassle. No bad vibes, just money back for any Kaboodle tickets you no longer need.

Tixel is available to all Kaboodle ticket types and all events: Music, sports, food & drink, arts, festivals, conferences, seminars, and more. If you bought it on Kaboodle, you can sell it on Tixel.

How to sell your Kaboodle ticket:

The best way to list Kaboodle tickets for resale on Tixel is to load the tickets directly from your Kaboodle account. We will display all valid tickets for any upcoming events.

Have your Kaboodle credentials ready (don't worry, we are not going to store them anywhere) and head to the Sell Kaboodle tickets listing page. First, enter your Kaboodle account credentials and click "Get my tickets".

On the next page you can choose which tickets do you want to sell and then choose a selling price. That's it, very simple!

What happens after I resell a Kaboodle ticket?

After you sell your Kaboodle ticket on Tixel, you will have to actually send the digital ticket to your buyer. Typically, Kaboodle release tickets to their events several days before they start, so expect to log in to your Kaboodle account 5-7 days before the show, download the ticket and then send it to your Tixel buyer via chat.